

I am not sure whether its correct to ask this question here,

I am facing difficulty understanding RFC 2460 Section 4.2 and also Appendix


To be particular below are my doubts:


1.       Xn+y meaning the "Option Type" must appear at an integer multiple
of x octects from the start of the header.

Does it mean that "Option Type" field should appear after offset

2.       After seeing the appendix I assumed these values for x, n, y

X length in octets of the largest field.

Y Number of fields required.


3.       In Appendix Example 2 why pad1 Option 2 is in 3rd in the options
header and again why padN Option @ end of the Extension Header?


If anyone from Cisco systems you can IM me on mahgo...@cisco.com .



Mahesh G

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