
Geert Hendrickx has posted the following, regarding Linux preferring
most recently updated SLAAC addresses over statically assigned
addresses for source addresses, from within the same /64 prefix, even
thought the preferred lifetime of the static address would be
infinite, and therefore greater than the SLAAC address (presuming the
VPS host hasn't set the preferred lifetime to infinite in the RA PIO,
which is probably likely).


I've noticed similar behaviour myself.

RFC3484, and the draft-ietf-6man-rfc3484-revise-01 update, don't seem to
specify that preferred lifetime values should be used as a tie-breaker
with all other things are equal. The only related text I can see in
RFC3484 is -

'Rule 3:  Avoid deprecated addresses.
The addresses SA and SB have the same scope.  If one of the two
source addresses is "preferred" and one of them is "deprecated" (in
the RFC 2462 sense), then prefer the one that is "preferred."'

Should the value of the preferred lifetime of an address, with the
largest value preferred, be used in this case, and only then resort to
using the most recently updated address if preferred lifetimes are

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