On 2010-12-09 04:35, Brian Haberman wrote:
> All,
>      This starts a 2-week consensus call on adopting
>      Title     : Security Assessment of the IPv6 Flow Label
>      Author(s) : F. Gont
>      Filename  : draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-01.txt
>      Pages     : 20
>      Date      : 2010-11-17
> as a 6MAN WG document.  

Yes and no.

I believe the material is valuable and should be adopted in some way
by 6man. However

(a) The lack of negative reactions to draft-ietf-6man-flow-update-00,
which we did adopt after Beijing, suggests that we'll be doing
an RFC3697bis reasonably soon. At a minimum, draft-gont needs
revision in parallel with that.

(b) At the moment draft-gont mixes two things: a "Security Assessment
of the IPv6 Flow Label" as stated in its title, and a normative
recommendation on how to generate a pseudo-random flow label. I wonder
whether the latter part doesn't actually belong in RFC3697bis?


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