On 03  Feb 2011, at 13:07 , Bob Hinden wrote:
>  I don't think we should limit the use of the flow label
> for load balancing due to a concern about covert channels using the flow 
> label.

So far as I am aware, no one has suggested not specifying
how the Flow Label field might be used for load balancing.  

What I suggested was distinctly different, namely that some
operational domains are likely to zero that field, either in 
the origin node or as the packet crosses an administrative 
boundary, in order to comply with domain-specific policy.

In turn that means (A) it is unlikely that IPv6 Flow Labels will
reliably be unchanged end-to-end and (B) it is likely that some 
IPv6 packets with zero-filled Flow Label fields will continue 
to be seen on the global public Internet for the forseeable future.

I also suggested that trying to legislate this issue out of existence 
by putting words in an RFC was unlikely to be effective.  Operational
folks in a wide range of organisations routinely configure their 
systems to match local security policies, even when that policy or 
configuration is not consistent with existing RFCs.



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