Dear all,

Fred Baker asked me to move draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming-04 [1]
to 6man. Thus, we are reintroducing it as
draft-6man-addresspartnaming-00 without changing anything in the
actual text.

The DENOG reference has been removed for internal and political
reasons but this ID still stems from within part of the community
calling itself DENOG and enjoys broad support.

draft-6man-addresspartnaming-00 has been uploaded, but it's not
released yet as the secretary still needs to make manual changes to
document the transition properly.

Anyway, after a long time of gathering feedback, we have boiled down
the options to hextet and quibble. quibble remains in there mostly for
historic reasons and to gather additional feedback. I do not think
suggesting two separate terms is useful in the least and we hope to
get input on this. The main problem with it is that quibble is
overloaded in English and in a negative way. My money is on consensus
evolving to drop it in -01.

The second question on my mind is if using MUST for hextet is
appropriate. Using SHOULD is fine as well though I personally think
MUST is better to avoid any and all potential confusion.

We are really looking forward to any and all feedback,
this issue might not seem to be important at first, but many/most
people tend to reconsider after some thinking,

Richard Hartmann

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