This draft claims to solve a problem that I don't have.

BTW, we already have a name, in the normative ABNF in RFC 3986:

      h16         = 1*4HEXDIG
                  ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal

(In the faulty ABNF of RFC 3261, it was called a hex4.)

   Brian Carpenter

On 2011-05-19 05:44, Brian Haberman wrote:
> All,
>      This starts a 2-week consensus call on adopting:
>     Title      : Naming IPv6 address parts
>     Author(s)  : L. Donnerhacke, et al.
>     Filename   : draft-hartmann-6man-addresspartnaming-01.txt
>     Pages      : 8
>     Date       : 2011-05-06
> as a 6MAN WG document.  Please state your opinion (either for or
> against) on making this draft a WG draft either on the mailing list or
> to the chairs.  This call will end on May 1, 2011.
> Regards,
> Brian & Bob
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