Does anyone object to switching this draft from BCP to Standards Track?
(See Pete Resnick's comments below.)

It is on this Thursday's IESG agenda.

   Brian Carpenter

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Pete Resnick's Discuss on draft-ietf-6man-flow-ecmp-04: (with 
> On 2011-07-12 03:09, Pete Resnick wrote:
>> Pete Resnick has entered the following ballot position for
>> draft-ietf-6man-flow-ecmp-04: Discuss

>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Section 3 of this document (the main section) seems like protocol to me. 
>> (For example, "Inner packets MUST be encapsulated in an outer IPv6 packet 
>> whose source and destination addresses are those of the tunnel end points 
>> (TEPs)".) Therefore, I see no reason for this not to be on the Standards 
>> Track. It seems like it has interoperability impacts and gives normative 
>> implementation guidance.

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