On 7/20/11 9:17 AM, Philip Homburg wrote:
In your letter dated Thu, 07 Jul 2011 13:41:41 -0700 you wrote:
A new version of I-D, draft-nordmark-6man-impatient-nud-01.txt has been
successfully submitted by Erik Nordmark and posted to the IETF repository.

Thanks for your review.

A few remarks about this draft:
1) It must be somewhere in RFC-4861, but it is not easy to find and it's
    probably best to help implementors here: if a NCE for a router transitions
    to UNREACHABLE state and there are still default routers in REACHABLE,
    STALE, DELAY, or PROBE state then delete all destination Cache entries
    for that router.

The RFC in section 5.2 says to redo next-hop selection; it doesn't say to delete destination cache entries anywhere AFAIK. That should be sufficient even with the introduction of the UNREACHABLE state.

2) Similar for redirect. If there is a Destination Cache entry and it resulted
    from a redirect, then delete it. Also update the host state description
    for the destination cache to include a redirected flag.

I don't understand why this draft requires adding a redirect flag in RFC 4861. While such a flag might be useful in an implementation, it seems to be orthogonal to these proposed changes; whether the NCE becomes deleted (as in 4861 today) or marked as UNREACHABLE (with these changes) the same next-hop selection needs to be triggered. (Perhaps that should be stated more explicitly in the draft.)

3) As long as the the NCE is in UNREACHABLE state, there won't be any
    Destination Unreachable ICMPs.

Good point - I didn't realize the exact wording in section 7.2.2.
FWIW it says
   If no Neighbor Advertisement is received after MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT
   solicitations, address resolution has failed.  The sender MUST return
   ICMP destination unreachable indications with code 3 (Address
   Unreachable) for each packet queued awaiting address resolution.

I think there are two ways of dealing with
    - delete the NCE entry after some time. This requires the operator to
      balance between keeping the entry longer of getting timely ICMPs.
    - After while, just send ICMPs back while forwarding the packet. I don't
      know if anybody ever did this. This may result in duplicate packets. But
      there is something wrong with the connection anyhow.

We could do the latter my augmenting the above text to also say to send ICMP destination unreachables (with code 3) when the packet is sent using a NCE that is in UNREACHABLE state.


In general I think this a good approach.

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