On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Brian E Carpenter
<brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2011-09-20 09:23, Nathan Ward wrote:
>> On 20/09/2011, at 9:19 AM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
>>> My position is that prefixes should always end in :: so the address part is 
>>> a valid address and the same code can be used to parse addresses, prefixes 
>>> and addresses with a prefix length.
>> Agreed. Shortening IPv4 addresses to things like 10/8 makes sense because we 
>> don't have another way to do shortening. If we did (i.e. 10../8 or 
>> something) then we'd use that.
> It's unfortunate, I think, that RFC 4291 just says:
>      The use of "::" indicates one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros.
>      The "::" can only appear once in an address.  The "::" can also be
>      used to compress leading or trailing zeros in an address.
> It would better if it also specified where to use :: if there
> is more than one run of zeros. As in
>      If an address contains more than one group of zeros where "::"
>      could be used, only the {least|most} significant such group
>      may be represented by "::".
> Take your pick between "least" and "most".
> If we don't have such a rule, I fear that the only unambiguous rule for
> prefixes is to avoid abbreviation.
The errata to RFC 4291 offer more clarity in the use of :: in an address

I believe the convention when more than one sequence of zeros meets
the criteria is to compress the longest such sequence.


>   Brian
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