Hi Jari,

Could you tell us if you think that we have addressed your concerns, and we 
will post the new revision ?

Many Thanks,

JP and Jonathan.

On Sep 16, 2011, at 5:08 PM, Jonathan Hui wrote:

> Hi Jari,
> I think we are converging.  If there are no other comments, we will update 
> the draft based on your review.  See below:
> On Sep 2, 2011, at 2:19 PM, Jari Arkko wrote:
> > Jonathan,
> >
> > Please see inline. If you agree with what I'm writing here you should just 
> > submit a new draft version and we can take it from there. But it might be 
> > that on some aspects we need further discussion.
> >
> >>>> links within a RPL domain SHOULD have
> >>>> a MTU of at least 1280 + 40 (outer IP header) + SRH_MAX_SIZE (+
> >>>> additional extension headers or options needed within RPL domain)
> >>>> octets.
> >>>>
> >>> I thought that 6LOWPAN was an important link layer for the application of 
> >>> RPL. Yet, RFC 4944 specifies a MTU of 1280 octets. The above requirement 
> >>> seems to be in contradiction with what is available on 6LOWPAN. Am I 
> >>> missing some extension of 6LOWPAN that changes the MTU, or some other 
> >>> link layer that is expected to be used with RPL? If I'm not missing 
> >>> anything, wouldn't this cause a problem? It would seem that either you 
> >>> cannot run RPL on 6LOWPAN, run 6LOWPAN on non standard MTU values (and we 
> >>> know MTU negotiation is difficult), or you have to change the 
> >>> expectations of other nodes in the IPv6 Internet about the minimum 
> >>> assured MTU.
> >>>
> >>> Please clarify/resolve/tell me what I am missing.
> >> Yes, 6LoWPAN is one of the target link layers.  I agree that this 
> >> statement is problematic with strict adherence to RFC 4944.  Note, 
> >> however, that there are IEEE 802.15.4 variants (i.e. 802.15.4g) that 
> >> support frame lengths up to 2KB.  I'm not sure it would be wise to limit 
> >> the capabilities of alternative IEEE 802.15.4 link technologies.
> >>
> >> I would propose to remove the cited statement.  It is unnecessary given 
> >> that the next revision of this draft will require tunneling.
> >
> > Ok. But it doesn't really remove the technical issue, which is a conflict 
> > two competing objectives (small MTU for efficiency and avoiding 
> > fragmentation due to header insertion). How about adding this text:
> >
> > "To avoid fragmentation, it is desirable to employ MTU sizes that allow for 
> > the header expansion, i.e., at least 1280 + 40 (outer IP header) + 
> > SRH_MAX_SIZE. Even so, to take advantage of this, the communicating 
> > endpoints need to be aware that they can not use the full MTU, through Path 
> > MTU discovery, for instance. The larger MTU size is unfortunately not 
> > available on all links, for instance on 6LOWPAN links the MTU is 1280 
> > bytes. However, it is expected that much of the traffic on these types of 
> > networks consists of much smaller messages than the MTU anyway, so 
> > performance degradation through fragmentation would be limited."
> I like this expanded text.  It calls out important issues and provides useful 
> insight.  Will add it in the next revision.
> >>>> A common network configuration for a RPL domain is that all nodes
> >>>> within a LLN share a common prefix.  The SRH introduces the CmprI,
> >>>> CmprE, and Pad fields to allow compaction of the Address[1..n] vector
> >>>> when all entries share the same prefix as the IPv6 Destination
> >>>> Address field of the packet carrying the SRH.
> >>> So all segments are treated based on how many bytes they have in common 
> >>> with the destination address. But the destination address keeps changing 
> >>> as we go through the intermediate hops. Is it necessary to clarify that 
> >>> the comparison/shared prefix is with the final destination address, NOT 
> >>> the address that happens to be in the destination address field currently?
> >> The intent really was to utilize the current IPv6 Destination value since 
> >> all entries except the last will carry the same CmprI prefix bytes.  Now, 
> >> I can see there is an issue when we consider the final entry controlled by 
> >> CmprE.  The intent was that CmprE would only differ when operating in 
> >> "transport mode" and the SRH would thus be removed according to Section 5 
> >> of the draft.
> >
> > OK
> >
> >>>> In very specific cases, IPv6-in-IPv6 tunneling may be undesirable due
> >>>> to the added cost and complexity required to process and carry a
> >>>> datagram with two IPv6 headers.  
> >>>> [I-D.hui-6man-rpl-headers<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-rpl-routing-header-03#ref-I-D.hui-6man-rpl-headers>]
> >>>>  describes
> >>>> how to avoid using IPv6-in-IPv6 tunneling in such specific cases and
> >>>> the risks involved.
> >>>>
> >>> This sounds like a recommendation to do something in a draft that has not 
> >>> been through the working group and approved as the something that is a 
> >>> sound practice. Unless the reference is normative, I think it is 
> >>> inappropriate to refer to an Internet draft in this manner.
> >>>
> >>> What I would recommend is to (1) change the "... SHOULD use IPv6-in-IPv6 
> >>> tunneling ..." statement to a MUST in this draft, (2) remove the above 
> >>> text, and (3) make the corresponding changes to Section 5. Then we can 
> >>> take hui-6man-rpl-headers through the working group and provide a second, 
> >>> more light-weight approach that extends what we have 
> >>> RFC-to-be-draft-ietf-6man-rpl-routing-header.
> >>>
> >>> (FWIW, I think the problem begins when one adds the first byte to a 
> >>> packet somewhere along the route. It does not not matter so much how many 
> >>> bytes one adds, just the SRH or also the IP header. Most of the 
> >>> complications on MTUs and so one start at that point. In any case, SRHs 
> >>> may not be trivially small either. Assuming 64-bit prefix compression an 
> >>> SRH for 4 hops would be 40 bytes.)
> >> In general, I agree with your concern.  However, after re-reading the 
> >> draft, do is it necessary to mandate a particular solution (i.e. RFC 
> >> 2473)?  Instead, how do you feel about the following modified text:
> >>
> >>    To deliver a datagram, a router MAY specify a source route to reach
> >>    the destination using a SRH.  There are two cases that determine how
> >>    to include an SRH with a datagram.
> >>
> >>    1.  When the source node inserts an SRH, it may do so directly
> >>         within the datagram itself.
> >>
> >>    2.  When an intermediate node inserts an SRH, it should do so in
> >>         a way that does not cause path MTU issues and ensures ICMP
> >>         errors caused by inserting the SRH return to the source of the
> >>         SRH rather than the original datagram.  One such method is
> >>         IPv6-in-IPv6 tunneling [RFC 2473].
> >
> > No, I don't think this will be sufficient. For one, we are writing 
> > specifications that should be complete and lead to interoperable solutions. 
> > We need to say what the implementations do. Secondly, I don't understand 
> > how the non-tunneling solution would deal with some of the fragmentation 
> > issues. In IPv6 we don't do fragmentation in routers on the path. Third, 
> > leaving any handwaving about other ways of doing the encap without full, 
> > WG-reviewed and accepted specification of that other way is not appropriate 
> > for a proposed standard RFC.
> >
> > I still recommend doing here what I suggested initially.
> I understand the concern and agree with your reasoning.  Will make this 
> change in the next revision.
> >>>> If such addresses appear more than once and are separated by at least
> >>>> one address not assigned to that router, the router MUST drop the
> >>>> packet and SHOULD send an ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 0, to the
> >>>> Source Address.
> >>>>
> >>> ...
> >>>
> >>>>    else if 2 or more entries in Address[1..n] are assigned to
> >>>>             local interface and are separated by at least one
> >>>>             address not assigned to local interface {
> >>>>       discard the packet
> >>>>    }
> >>>>
> >>> The text and the code appear to disagree about whether to send an ICMP 
> >>> Parameter Problem message. Please align. I assume that an ICMP message is 
> >>> needed.
> >> Agree.
> >
> > OK
> >
> >>>> Because this document specifies that SRH is only for use within a RPL
> >>>> domain, such attacks cannot be mounted from outside the RPL domain.
> >>>> As described in Section 
> >>>> 5<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-rpl-routing-header-03#section-5>,
> >>>>  RPL Border Routers MUST drop datagrams
> >>>> entering or exiting the RPL domain that contain a SRH in the IPv6
> >>>> Extension headers.
> >>>>
> >>> This is good, and I think the security considerations are sufficient. 
> >>> However, I would be happier if the draft also recommended that by 
> >>> default, non-RPL routers and firewalls should drop packets with SRH. This 
> >>> would help ensure that SRH does not accidentally enter any network and 
> >>> expose some vulnerability. The practical effect that I'm looking for is, 
> >>> for instance, not having my Linux kernel process SRH unless I've 
> >>> configured it to use RPL.
> >> Agree.
> >
> > OK
> >
> >>> Editorial:
> >>> ======
> >>>
> >>>> In the above scenario, datagrams traveling from source, S, to
> >>>> destination, D, have the following packet structure:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>               +------+------+------+--------//-+
> >>>>               | IPv6 | IPv6 | IPv6 | Packet    |
> >>>>               | Src  | Dst  | SRH  | Payload   |
> >>>>               +------+------+------+--------//-+
> >>>>
> >>> This figure is not as clear as it could be. Are the src and dst field 
> >>> referring to the IPv6 header fields? Would this picture be better if you 
> >>> showed the IPv6 header explicitly? Please clarify.
> >> Yes, the src and dst fields are IPv6 header fields.  Will update the 
> >> figure to be more explicit.
> >
> > Good.
> >
> >>>> CmprE             4-bit unsigned integer.  Number of prefix octets
> >>>>                  from the segment that are elided.  For example, a
> >>>>                  SRH carrying a full IPv6 address in Addresses[n]
> >>>>                  sets CmprE to 0.
> >>>>
> >>> I understood the definition CmprI, but I do not understand this, at least 
> >>> not at the point of the above text. What is "the segment" that you are 
> >>> referring to above? SRH carries multiple segments. Please clarify.
> >>>
> >>> Little further down it becomes clear that CmprE refers to the compression 
> >>> of the last segment. Please make this clear already in the above text.
> >> Correct.  Will clarify in the next revision.
> >
> > OK
> >
> >>> Comments relating to feedback from others:
> >>> ============================
> >>>
> >>> The ADs have received a question from Joseph Reddy, who was asking if the 
> >>> set of addresses in the SRH should also include the source address of the 
> >>> node inserting the SRH. His justification for this was the need to be 
> >>> able to send an ICMP error back to this node. Do we have an answer?
> >> When using tunneling, the ICMP error should go back to the source of the 
> >> outer IPv6 header.
> >
> > OK
> >
> >>> In April, Thomas Narten made some comments on the list and I didn't think 
> >>> that the discussion finished with any conclusion. Are his concerns (e.g., 
> >>> from his e-mail on April 29th) valid or not valid? I would like the 
> >>> working group to conclude this issue one way or the other. I refer to his 
> >>> comments regarding the feasibility of the loop check in particular. His 
> >>> e-mail is at 
> >>> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipv6/current/msg13887.html FWIW I 
> >>> agree with Thomas' editorial comment on Section 2 clarity. That should be 
> >>> easy to fix.
> >>
> >> My personal belief is that LLN devices will generally have more 
> >> computation capability relative to communication capability, so I'm not 
> >> terribly concerned with the processing overhead.  That said, I'm not a fan 
> >> of the loop check and would prefer less complexity.  We only required such 
> >> checks to deal with security concerns that have been raised in the past 
> >> with RH0.  If others feel that the checks are unnecessary or have 
> >> alternative suggestions, I'm more than happy to make the changes.
> >
> > The problem is that the concerns with RH0 are valid, so cecks (or at least 
> > some checks) are required, I think. One way to deal with this concern is to 
> > document the limitations of the RPL routing header, i.e., state upfront 
> > that it requires significant per-packet processing. Then the issue would at 
> > least not be a surprise to anyone. Thoughts?
> I think it is reasonable to call out the costs up front.  We will make this 
> change in the next revision unless there are alternative ideas.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jonathan Hui
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