Hi all,

In the terminology section, there is the following text describing Loopback:

   o  Loopback - A function in which the router's interface to the
      network is looped back, resulting in interface unavailability for
      regular data traffic forwarding.  See more details in section 9.1
      of [RFC1247].  Loopback function is commonly used to gain
      information on the quality of this interface, by employing
      mechanisms such as ICMPv6 pings, bit-error test etc.  Loopback
      function may be done locally or remotely.

I suggest the replacement of the above text with the following text:

Loopback - A function in which the router's interface (or the circuit to which the router's interface is connected) is looped back or connected to itself. Loopback causes packets sent by the interface to be received by the interface, and results in interface unavailability for regular data traffic forwarding. See more details in section 9.1 of [RFC1247]. The Loopback function is commonly used in an interface context to gain information on the quality of the interface, by employing mechanisms such as ICMPv6 pings, bit-error tests, etc. In a circuit context, it is used in wide area environments including optical dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM) and SONET/SDH for fault isolation (e.g. by placing a loopback at different geographic locations along the path of a wide area circuit to help locate a circuit fault). The Loopback function may be employed locally or remotely.

I have looked briefly for a reference in standards for Loopback in a circuit context, and haven't found one yet. However, I like the new text because it captures the notion that a circuit might be in loopback and therefore cause the interface to receive traffic it sent, where the current text (as well as its reference) covers only the interface case.

Comments welcome.



Eli Dart                                            NOC: (510) 486-7600
ESnet Network Engineering Group (AS293)                  (800) 333-7638
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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