Support to adopt as WG document.

        Couple of questions.


        When you say "Namely, they try to perform IPv6
   reassembly with the "atomic fragment" and any other fragments already
   queued with the same set {IPv6 Source Address, IPv6 Destination
   Address, Fragment Identification}." If there is just one packet what happen? 
Does the host just hang in there waiting for the next fragment (that possibly 
will never arrive) until it times out?

        Also, you quoted RFC2640 "In response to an IPv6 packet that is sent to 
an IPv4 destination
      (i.e., a packet that undergoes translation from IPv6 to IPv4) …" I wonder 
if there is any negative implication for IPv4/IPv6 translators if atomic 
fragments are forbidden as proposed.


On 16 Jan 2012, at 18:23, Brian Haberman wrote:

> All,
>     This is a consensus call on adopting:
>     Title     : Processing of IPv6 "atomic" fragments
>     Author(s) : Fernando Gont
>     Filename  : draft-gont-6man-ipv6-atomic-fragments-00.txt
>     Pages     : 12
>     Date      : 2011-12-15
> as a 6MAN working group document.  Please state your opinion, positive
> or negative, on the mailing list or to the chairs.  This consensus call
> will end on January 31, 2012.
> Regards,
> Brian & Bob
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