I think the rules for which (temporary vs not temporary) to use should be 
application-specific. And the people who are best-positioned to determine 
what's right for the app are the app developers or designers. Not IETF.

I vote for 3484bis to remain silent as to a preference, but to provide guidance 
as to what might cause an app to select one address over the other.

Apps that aren't designed for Internet access (e.g., UPnP, enterprise 
applications to run on corporate devices inside the corporate network) have no 
need for temporary addresses, and may find that they cause a bad user 
experience. Apps that register their presence with a server (like a SIP 
registration server) are ill-served by temporary addresses. Apps that need to 
be able to receive unsolicited traffic shouldn't use temporary addresses. On 
the other hand, I think I'd prefer if my web browser did use a temporary 
address, if that feature were enabled on my device.
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