
Your statement  “after attacker has cracked a CGA address, then it is in the 
same stand as the defender” is incorrect. The attacker will not need 65536 
additional trials; he will need to find a matching CGA address 65536 times, and 
each trial is just as complex as finding a matching CGA address. The defender 
on the other hand can pick any CGA address he wants, so he has to perform just 
65536 trials.

-- Christian Huitema

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:46 AM
To: Christian Huitema
Cc:; Jari Arkko
Subject: 答复: RE: about security level evaluation of draft-zhou-6man-mhash-cga-00


-Sujing Zhou

Christian Huitema <<>> 写于 
2012-03-27 23:00:09:

> > Well, I think it is quite a simple trade-off. Increasing Sec
> increases computational effort on both sides by equal amount.
> Increasing the length of
> > the hash increases computational effort only on the attacker side.
> As a result, the hash bits are relatively valuable.
> Jari, the effect of sec is different on both sides. The effort is
> not increased "by equal amount" but rather "in the same proportion."
> Suppose that an attacker could crack the 59 bit hash in a day with
> sec=0. Adding sec = 1 means that the attacker will have to try 65536
> times as many keys. The time to crack becomes 65536 hours, i.e.
> about 7 years. The defender will have to try 65536 instead of one to
> get the right sec, taking only  a fraction of a second.

after attacker has cracked a CGA address, then it is in the same stand as the 
defender, as well as attacker, has to try one by one to get the right sec, 
i.e., to get a matching length of zeros,
how come attacker need extra 65536 hours but defender only needs a fraction of 
a second?

> > 1) Status quo: RFC 4982 eats three bits for Sec, leaving 59 bits
> of hash length after accommodating for u and g bits as well. The
> good with this is
> > that it leaves maximum size for hash. The bad is that it is less
> flexible for adding many new hash algorithms.
> I kind of like the status quo.
> > 2) The proposed new approach: Eat a total of six bits, for Sec and
> the hash algorithm identifier. 56 bits remain. The good is that this
> gives more
> > flexibility to allocate hash algorithms, including the ability to
> independently choose Sec and the algorithm. The bad is that the hash size is
> > decreased.
> Decreased a lot. On the other hand, if we do gain the flexibility to
> define new algorithms, then we can define a mandatory-to-implement
> algorithm that incorporates the equivalent of the "sec" strengthening.

the security of a hash algo can be roughly estimated by length of its output,
from birthday attack, that is about 2^(59/2) or 2^(56/2)(theorical estimate), 
or less,
can you give a more precise of value of "a lot"?
I don't see flexibility in defining mandatory-to-implementing hash alg

> -- Christian Huitema
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