Brian E Carpenter wrote:

On 2012-03-31 02:04, Ray Hunter wrote:
The idea being that authorized persons e.g. law enforcement and network
managers SHOULD be able to correlate activity at a later date (for legal
compliance, logging, fault finding etc.) whilst an attacker or
unauthorized person SHOULD NOT.

If you were a blogger sitting in an Internet cafe in a country governed
by a repressive regime, you would probably hold a different view.

Please let's not take this out of context. We're talking about obfuscating interface identifiers. If I'm sat in an Internet cafe in a repressive regime (and I have visited and worked in various countries around the World, including one that fingerprinted me on entry, one that took a full body scan capable of looking through clothes, and one which is known to operate firewalls and passive monitoring on all International links), obfuscating an interface identifier is not going to protect my rights. That repressive regime would anyway likely have access to a copy of my passport or ID card, my network login credentials, the time I entered the Internet cafe, which seat I was sat on, a report from my neighbors, details of my phone's SIM card, man in the middle HTTPS monitoring, my MAC address, the /64 prefix I was using, a key logger running on the ISP host, a camera pointed at the screen .....

I do not attempt to define "authorized persons" any further than providing an example. I express no preference whatsoever on the question of whether privacy is desirable or not on this list, nor to what standard, nor where the balance lies between rights of the state or corporation and the rights of the individual, nor whether particular laws are sensible or not.

I'm just trying to comply with local laws when giving advice to companies operating in countries where I provide consultancy. And many of those local laws include a requirement for corporations to retain a log of IP addresses, network communications, and user credentials for several months, and to provide access to this information to "authorized persons" when necessary, even though they are some of the most liberal regimes in the World.

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