Hi Michael,

Don Sturek, chair for the ZigBee Core Stack working group (our group is
standarding "ZigBee IP" which is a configured collection of IETF drafts
supporting the Smart Energy Profile 2.0 over IEEE802.15.4)

It is our group who are looking to standardize MLE (in your note below).
That protocol provides the ability to share link quality information among
one hop neighbors plus other information (eg, long addresses of neighbors)
to allow for an intelligent neighbor selection for mesh routing (including

Also, in your list below, we support 6LoWPAN ND (not just DAD), MLE, ROLL
RPL (non-storing) among other IETF protocols for our solution.

We discussed MLE within ZigBee IP and I was not clear on whether ROLL
would be the right WG.   For sure, I don't think 6LoWPAN is the right
place since this protocol can work over mesh networks that are not
necessarily employing 6LoWPAN.  I think the options we discussed were ROLL
and an Internet Area submission.


On 6/12/12 12:39 PM, "Michael Richardson" <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca> wrote:

>In a private (IM) chat between Carsten Bormann and I, we realized that
>was prescious little consensus about what building blocks will be used
>For instance, I have assumed that a ROLL RPL network would not need
>the ND parts of 6lowpan-ND, only the DAD parts (if DAD was important).
>That ND was unnecessary in for RPL nodes as the DAOs and DIOs served the
>same purpose.  This surprised some others.  What Carsten said was that
>some kind of roadmap was necessary.
>In another hallway conversation at Paris, I came to understand that for
>layer-2==Zigbee, that on Zigbee Controllers would ever need to run RPL,
>and that the regular nodes (such as light switches, forgive me, I do not
>recall their Zigbee name), would only communicate with a controller.
>This in contrast to what I know the home automation/P2P people are
>Finally, I wanted to bring your attention to
>  draft-kelsey-intarea-mesh-link-establishment-03.txt
>which I'm told 6man is supposed to consider.
>On some networks you can not send the DAOs or NDs out until you do this.
>I want to ask if it belongs in ROLL or 6lowpan.
>Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
>IETF ROLL WG co-chair.    http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/roll/charter/
>6lowpan mailing list

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