Hi Thomas,

Fair enough.  I do know we avoided making the draft RPL specific so look 
forward to hearing from the intarea ADs on where we should direct the draft.


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Thomas Heide Clausen <i...@thomasclausen.org> wrote:

>Hi Don,
>On 15 Jun 2012, at 18:41, Don Sturek <d.stu...@att.net> wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> I think our plan was to submit it to the Internet Area directly (Richard:
>> That is from memory, am I correct?)
>If that's the case, then I think that it needs to be scoped carefully: the 
>design and direction of the work required would (IMO) be very different if it 
>aims narrowly for RPL, or broadly for "MESH", and the text in the 
>specification should be very very clear as to this.
>If an AD sponsored submission is the intend, then I do honestly not know what 
>the proper way of shaping the process / forum for discussions / framing of the 
>specification would be, but I would hope that an AD could chirp in (as you say 
>INT, have you discussed this with Brian or Ralph, and could you or either of 
>them let us know?)
>Note, I am not taking position for or against MLE at all - I just want to 
>ensure that a specification published be scoped so as to not be constraining 
>for domains for which it hasn't been discussed.
>> Don
>> On 6/15/12 9:28 AM, "Thomas Heide Clausen" <i...@thomasclausen.org> wrote:
>>> On 15 Jun 2012, at 15:57, Don Sturek <d.stu...@att.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi Thomas (and Michael),
>>>> I don't agree that MLE targets only RPL.  The draft was written
>>>> carefully
>>>> to avoid having a narrow focus around RPL.  That said, the deployment we
>>>> are using this draft for uses 6LoWPAN, 6LoWPAN ND, ROLL RPL
>>>> (non-storing)
>>>> and I think many others will find the information exchanged between
>>>> neighbors using MLE as useful.
>>>> Don
>>> Hi Don,
>>> Note that I was replying to Michael's suggestions that MLE be married to
>>> RPL.
>>> If you think it's not, then MLE should neither be developed in ROLL nor
>>> be constrained by RPL code-points, messages or principles.
>>> Thomas
>>>> On 6/15/12 6:15 AM, "Thomas Heide Clausen" <i...@thomasclausen.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 15, 2012, at 15:12 , Michael Richardson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Heide Clausen <i...@thomasclausen.org> writes:
>>>>>>  Thomas> Not sure how fantastic (or not) it is - it is not
>>>>>>  Thomas> immediately clear to me how tied MLE should be to RPL - if
>>>>>>  Thomas> it truly aims at being for _MESH_ link establishment, then
>>>>>>  Thomas> it would appear to be a much larger scope, and should not be
>>>>>>  Thomas> tied narrowly to a special-purpose protocol's type-space (&
>>>>>>  Thomas> conventions etc., that do not apply universally).
>>>>>> Thomas, you will note that:
>>>>>> 1) I suggested it go under IPv6 ICMP first, and if there was such push
>>>>>>   back about allocating a new type, that RPL could allocate a
>>>>>> type/code.
>>>>>> 2) ZigBee alliance (the proposal), *IS* using RPL.
>>>>> In that case, the draft must be very narrowly scoped and written such
>>>>> that it's clear that it's applicable _only_ to that context
>>>>> (special-purpose deployments of a special-purpose protocol), and
>>>>> specifically to not pretend to do general mesh link establishment.
>>>>>> I see running it over UDP very architecturally strange.
>>>>> I don't.
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
>>>>>> IETF ROLL WG co-chair.    http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/roll/charter/
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