Hi, guys.

> Question to the WG (and to Barry, given his recent guidance on Errata) - would
> it be appropriate to file an errata on 6547 noting the additional RFCs that 
> it should
> be updating, is this a matter of issuing a 6547-bis, or does it simply not 
> matter?

This has come up with some other documents, as well (RFCs 5375 and
6164).  I'm checking on this with the rest of the IESG and the RFC
Editor, but here's what I think:

As I understand it, we don't need to use the errata system for this.
The updates/obsoletes information is in the RFC metadata.  We could
process this as an IESG management item to update the metadata in the
RFCs to indicate what updates what.  From a procedural point of view,
I'm not sure whether we would need (or want) to last-call that action
before we did it.

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