Responding to  a couple of different things below inline with [WEG]

From: [] On Behalf Of Usman 
>>"If you choose to do this, it is further recommended that you reserve the 
>>entire /64 so that - if needed in the future - you can expand this 
>>configuration _without_ a major renumbering event."

[WEG] I’m not sure that renumbering P2P links is comparatively harder than 
changing the subnet mask, nor would I characterize one as a major renumbering 
event and the other not. You still have to touch all links, all devices, the 
only difference would be for things that are configured to use the link IP to 
communicate with the router, and a lot of those can be managed using make 
before break provisioning.  There are several IETF documents (and a whole WG) 
covering how to manage renumbering in a more painless fashion, and this is one 
that is pretty straightforward.

>>This is the essence of what I want the IETF to put in one of its address 
>>recommendation RFCs because I have yet to see an RFC that says when you 
>>assign a /127 to a p2p link, you should/must reserve the whole parent /64 for 
>>that p2p link also.

[WEG] I think that part of the reason you haven’t seen that RFC is that there’s 
an argument to be made to the contrary as well – there’s some value from a 
configuration management and operational perspective in being able to use one 
line of config to manage things like route aggregation, filtration, management 
tools access, access lists, etc.  Yes, you can do that with a larger block 
(e.g. allocate the top /48 of your /32 for infrastructure) but that adds a lot 
of addresses to be permitted through the filters that simply aren’t necessary 
nor will ever be used, and exposes you to other attack vectors in a way that 
isn’t necessarily justifiable, at least IMO. This is very much a case of YMMV, 
so I’m not sure that “reserve the whole /64 for each /127” is universally 
something we could or should recommend, especially if it’s mainly a “just in 
case, you never know what craziness those protocol wonks in IETF might come up 
with that would break it in the future...mumble mumble…” kind of reason.

>>Without this stated clearly there is likely to be some instances where 
>>readers interpret it the wrong way and end up assigning multiple p2p links 
>>with /127 subnets from a single given /64 and end up having to re-address 
>>their network in future when/if future standards use lower order 64 bits for 
>>special purposes.

[WEG] Given the fact that there is a standard that documents the use of a /127 
for P2P links (6164), future standards can’t use lower order 64 bits for 
special purposes without considering the potential impact to this standard, and 
even if the standard didn’t exist, the existing installed base cannot be 
ignored in good conscience. The question to ask here is what problem we’d be 
trying to solve with “future standards that use lower-order 64 bits for special 
purposes” that would make supporting it necessary on P2P links where the IP 
address assigned often doesn’t even matter except for diagnostics? In many 
cases, the P2P link neither sources nor receives traffic except the odd ICMP 
response, and even that type of traffic could be configured to use the loopback 
(see also ip unnumbered). Some carriers don’t even put those links in their IGP 
for security reasons. To underscore the relative unimportance of the P2P link 
address, there are even discussions happening within IETF right now about using 
ULA space for P2P internal links. (Note: I’m just noting that the discussion is 
happening, not endorsing it). Not all implementations fit this model, but I 
think the risk of the need for a renumber in this case is being oversold 
somewhat. The reality is that few of us are going to get the numbering plan 
100% right the first time, no matter how smart we try to be in the way that we 
future-proof our allocation plan, because there’s no one size fits all 
solution. We can talk about best practice based on what we know today, but 
anything more is just educated guessing, and my 8 ball is no better than anyone 

On 21/09/2012, at 10:02 PM, TJ <> wrote:
>>WRT Point-to-point links (only, any multi-access link REALLY should be a 
>>/64): For those that insist on using something else, it is loosely accepted 
>>that a /127 can work

[WEG] Let’s be clear. RFC 6164 is a product of IETF consensus and a proposed 
standard, and the reason that it was pushed forward and the previous guidance 
was amended was that multiple large operators came forward and said “this is 
what we’re *already* doing, you’re welcome to be wrong, or you can update your 
guidance.” That’s not “loosely accepted”. I’m not saying that it’s universally 
supported by all IPv6 stacks, nor that consensus = unanimous agreement, but 
it’s not a corner-case hack either.

Wes George

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