Two quick comments:

-- this still uses 10 seconds as a scaler for the ARO registration lifetime. 
6LoWPAN-ND used to use 10, but now uses 60 seconds.
-- I'm not too wild about the E-bit.  Maybe we should extract the 6CIO from 
draft-bormann-6lowpan-ghc and use this?

The two areas in which I think this proposal can benefit from some more 

Clearly, mitigating the external ND table DoS is one of the major pain points 
addressed by this.  Thinking point: Is there any way to structure the 
transition from legacy ND to efficient ND in such a way that it becomes easier 
to reap this benefit?

For DC applications, the assumption of uniqueness of the EUI-64 probably 
requires some more thinking.  VMs get copied all the time, and it is way too 
easy to copy this kind of config info in the process.

Grüße, Carsten

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