
Only having thought about this shortly, I think this is reasonable to
add. I might have another opinion when we actually start writing it. But
in that case I will come back and tell why I have another opinion.



On 2012-10-11 04:05, Ronald Bonica wrote:
> Magnus,
> I think that we are on the same page and I am nearly ready to clear my 
> Would you be willing to add a short section in an Appendix that illustrates 
> the kind of analysis that you are requiring of a protocol that wants to rely 
> on UDPZero? I am thinking of something like the following:
> Sample Text
> ===========
> Protocol Foo encapsulates an IP datagram within the following:
> - a foo header
> - a UDP header
> - an outer IPv6 header
> Because the UDP checksum is set to zero, the following fields are unprotected:
> - foo header: field1
> - foo header: field2
> - UDP header: source port
> - UDP header: destination port
> - outer IPv6 header: source address
> - outer IPv6 header: destination  address
> The consequence of corruption in field1 of the foo header is mumble. The 
> consequence of corruption in field2 of the foo header is grumble, but only if 
> some other condition is true. The consequence of corruption in any other 
> field is, at worst, loss of the packet.
> Assume a tunnel with the following characteristics:
> - sustained data rate of 1 Gbps
> - Bit error rate of 10**-12 on each of 4 constituent links
> - average packet size equal to 1500 bytes
> The bullet list, below, provides an estimate of the frequency with which each 
> of the above mentioned fields will be corrupted:
> - foo header: field1 (once per N seconds)
> - foo header: field2 (once per N seconds)
> - UDP header: source port (once per N seconds)
> - UDP header: destination port (once per N seconds)
> - outer IPv6 header: source address (once per N seconds)
> - outer IPv6 header: destination  address (once per N seconds)
> ==========================
> End sample text
> Does this sound reasonable?
>                         Ron
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Magnus Westerlund [mailto:magnus.westerl...@ericsson.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4:59 AM
>> To: Ronald Bonica
>> Cc: The IESG; 6man-cha...@tools.ietf.org; draft-ietf-6man-
>> udpz...@tools.ietf.org; ipv6@ietf.org
>> Subject: Re: Ronald Bonica's Discuss on draft-ietf-6man-udpzero-06:
>> (with DISCUSS)
>> On 2012-10-09 20:57, Ronald Bonica wrote:
>>> Ronald Bonica has entered the following ballot position for
>>> draft-ietf-6man-udpzero-06: Discuss
>>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
>>> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut
>>> this introductory paragraph, however.)
>>> Please refer to
>>> http://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
>>> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>>> This is a two-part DISCUSS-DISCUSS. Both parts relate to bullet
>> points
>>> in Section 5.1.
>>> Bullet 5
>>> ======
>>> "Tunnels that encapsulate IP may rely on the inner packet
>>>   integrity checks provided that the tunnel will not significantly
>>>   increase the rate of corruption of the inner IP packet."
>>> - What does it mean to *significantly* increase the rate of
>> corruption
>>> of the inner IP packet?
>> That is a good question. And the answer is it depends. If you are
>> considering a tunnel protocols which target deployment area is one
>> where you have very low rates of corruption, lets say below 10^-6 then
>> a factor of 2 or even 10 might be fine as the resulting end-to-end
>> basic IP service may still be fine. But if that same tunnel is supposed
>> to support something that requires a packet loss rate below 10^-6 then
>> any increase in corruption might be to high.
>>> - Shouldn't we also be concerned about corruption of the UDP header
>>> and any additional encapsulation that comes between the UDP header
>> and
>>> the inner IP packet?
>> I think the formulation actually is considering that. If the
>> IPv6/UDP/FOO tunnel protocol carries IP and FOO is senesitive to
>> corruption then isn't the payload of the tunnel, i.e. the inner IP
>> going to suffer an increased corruption rate.
>>> - How does a tunnel ingress node know whether the tunnel will
>>> significantly increase the rate of corruption of the inner IP packet?
>> That is something you have to statistically analyze when designing the
>> protocol and deciding on using zero-checksum.
>>> Bullet 7
>>> =====-
>>>    " UDP applications that support use of a zero-checksum, should not
>>>        rely upon correct reception of the IP and UDP protocol
>>>        information (including the length of the packet) when decoding
>>>        and processing the packet payload.  In particular, the
>>>        application must be designed so that corruption of this
>>>        information does not result in accumulated state or incorrect
>>>        processing of a tunneled payload."
>>> - How could any application achieve this goal? Possibly by analyzing
>>> the consequences if any field in the IPv6 or UDP header were
>> corrupted?
>>> (draft-ietf-6man-udpchecksums begins this analysis.)  Again, wouldn't
>>> the analysis have to include any additional encapsulation that comes
>>> between the UDP header and the inner IP header?
>> Yes, this is a design analysis which includes the tunnel protocols
>> headers.
>>> - Wouldn't the analysis, mentioned above, have to include assurances
>>> regarding the case when the destination port is corrupted?
>>> Specifically, would it have to include a guarantee that if the
>>> encapsulated inner packet were delivered to any randomly chosen port,
>>> it would not cause any harm to the application listening on that
>> port?
>> Clearly it can't include a guarantee that it will not harm what ever is
>> at the randomly chosen port. But one part we try to get across in this
>> document is that this is the reason we want to ensure that default
>> remains to have the UDP checksum enabled to avoid having applications
>> not having considered this in their design or at least been analyzed to
>> be safe enough to get zero checksummed packets.
>> The next step is the question of potential harm is a statistics game.
>> And the more traffic that are transported over the network with zero-
>> checksum the higher the probability that you will get a packet not
>> intended for your context. Thus you will have to deal with it. Here I
>> think most tunnel egresses are reasonably simple to analyze what
>> happens. You attempt to decapsulate it according to whats in the
>> packet.
>> If that is not a mismatch you try to do the next step for the inner
>> packet, switching or forwarding that based on whats there. That either
>> matches or not the context and are thus sent further or discarded. If
>> there is a checksum on that level it can help discarding packets that
>> completely misses the context.
>> Cheers
>> Magnus Westerlund
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Multimedia Technologies, Ericsson Research EAB/TVM
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Ericsson AB                | Phone  +46 10 7148287
>> Färögatan 6                | Mobile +46 73 0949079
>> SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden| mailto: magnus.westerl...@ericsson.com
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Magnus Westerlund

Multimedia Technologies, Ericsson Research EAB/TVM
Ericsson AB                | Phone  +46 10 7148287
Färögatan 6                | Mobile +46 73 0949079
SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden| mailto: magnus.westerl...@ericsson.com

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