
I received the following e-mail directly.
Let me add Cc to the list.

2012/10/17 Ray Hunter <v6...@globis.net>:
> inline.
>> Arifumi Matsumoto <mailto:arif...@nttv6.net>
>> 16 October 2012 10:53
>> Ray,
>> thank you for review and comments.
>> Responses below.
>> 2012/10/10 Ray Hunter<v6...@globis.net>:
>>> I support this work.
>>> Discussion
>>> ==========
>>> Section 4.2
>>> s/the default policy should be restored/the previously active policy
>>> should
>>> be restored/ ?
>> It is assumed that the configuration will be either using distributed
>> policy or
>> using manually configured policy as described in 4.1.
>> So, 4.2 is written like this.
>> Do you propose to change the above assumption ?
> It is more of a question than a proposal.
> Some implementations (e.g. Windows) make a distinction between a
> manually-configured change to the policy table that will survive a reboot,
> and other changes that are only valid for this user session, using the
> concept of a "store". See "netsh interface ipv6 show prefixpolicy
> [[store=]{active | persistent}]"
> If there's been a manually-configured persistent policy set, if an [active]
> DHCPv6-derived policy table goes stale, it might be more appropriate to
> (re)activate the manually-configured persistent policy that is specific to
> this node, rather than the "default" policy table defined in section 2.1 of
> RFC6724.
> It's really a question of if we need to further clarify what is meant by
> "default policy" in Section 4.2 of draft-ietf-6man-addr-select-opt-06.
> Is it the manually configured node-specific default, or the RFC6724 section
> 2.1 default policy table, or is this behaviour simply implementation
> dependent and we should remain silent on an appropriate default?

IMHO, it should be complex to allow to receive distributed policy even
when the policy is manually configured. However, I agree that it should be
out-of-scope of this document. This document should just state the
requirements as in 4.1.

> Further clarification on section 2 /A address selection option contains zero
> or more policy table options/:
> I think it would also be useful if we added one sentence after this: /An
> Address Selection option containing zero Policy Table options SHOULD be
> interpreted as the RFC6724 Section 2.1 default policy table./
> This will allow administrators to easily and positively provide local nodes
> with a hint that they should use the default table of RFC6724, without
> having to redefine and transport this every time, or rely on time outs.

The reason for allowing zero policy table options is to deliver only the A
and P flags of the Address Selection option.

If we want to do this, we should add another flag for it.

However, IMHO, we should not add such a thing, to keep things simple.

Thank you.

>> I really appreciate your reviewing and suggestions below.
> You're welcome.
>>> Nits&  clarification
>>> =============
>>> Section 2
>>> s/A address selection option contains/An Address Selection option
>>> contains/
>>> s/Multiple policy table options in a Policy Table option constitute a
>>> single
>>> policy table./
>>> Multiple Policy Table options in an Address Selection option constitute a
>>> single policy table./
>>> s/zero padded/left aligned, big-endian, and zero padded on the right/
>>> Section 3
>>> s/in any messages other/in any DHCPv6 messages other/
>>> Section 4.1
>>> s/his requirement/their own requirements/
>>> s/a) It receives distributed policy table, and replaces the existing
>>>        policy tables with that.
>>>     b) It preserves the default policy table, or manually configured
>>>        policy./
>>> a) replace the existing active policy table with the DHCPv6 distributed
>>> policy table .
>>> b) preserve the existing active policy table, whether this be the default
>>> policy table, or user configured policy./
>>> Section 4.3
>>> s/node-global information by its nature/node-global information by their
>>> nature/
>>> s/One of the reason is/One reason being/
>>> s/multiple address selection policy/multiple address selection policies,/
>>> s/the effect of both policy/the effect of both policies/
>>> s/that absence of the distributed policy/that absence of a distributed
>>> policy/
>>> a/mean preference/mean a preference/
>>> s/deal with multiple received policy/deal with multiple received
>>> policies/
>>> s/DHCPv6 clients need to convert this label to a representation specified
>>> by
>>> each implementation/DHCPv6 clients SHOULD convert this label to a
>>> representation appropriate for the local implementation/
>>> s/So, the number of the options and the total size of the options should
>>> be
>>> taken care of. Since the number of selection rules could be large, an
>>> administrator configuring the policy to be distributed should consider
>>> the
>>> resulting DHCPv6 message size/
>>> Network administrators SHOULD consider local limitations to the maximum
>>> DHCPv6 message size that can be reliably transported via their specific
>>> local infrastructure to end nodes; and therefore they SHOULD consider the
>>> number of options, the total size of the options, and the resulting
>>> DHCPv6
>>> message size, when defining their Policy Table./
>>> Section 6:
>>> s/and the affected packets might be blocked at an outgoing ISP because of
>>> ingress filtering/and the affected packets might be blocked at an
>>> outgoing
>>> ISP because of ingress filtering, incur additional network charges, or be
>>> misdirected to an attacker's machine/
>>> s/should be communicated through a secure/should communicate through a
>>> secure/
>>> s/This issue will not be degraded regardless of the introduction of this
>>> option, or regardless/This issue will not be modified by the introduction
>>> of
>>> this option, regardless/
>>> regards,
>>> RayH
>>> Ole Trřan wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> This message starts a two week 6MAN Working Group on advancing:
>>>>          Title           : Distributing Address Selection Policy using
>>>> DHCPv6
>>>>          Author(s)    : A. Matsumoto, T. Fujisaki, T. Chown
>>>>          Filename    : draft-ietf-6man-addr-select-opt-06.txt
>>>>          Pages        : 10
>>>>          Date           : 2012-09-21
>>>>         http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-addr-select-opt-06
>>>> as Proposed Standard.  Substantive comments and statements of support
>>>> for
>>>> advancing this document should be directed to the mailing list.
>>>> Editorial
>>>> suggestions can be sent to the authors.  This last call will end on 24.
>>>> October 2012.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ole Trřan&   Bob Hinden
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
>>> ipv6@ietf.org
>>> Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Ray Hunter <mailto:v6...@globis.net>
>> 10 October 2012 12:00
>> I support this work.
>> Discussion
>> ==========
>> Section 4.2
>> s/the default policy should be restored/the previously active policy
>> should be restored/ ?
>> Nits & clarification
>> =============
>> Section 2
>> s/A address selection option contains/An Address Selection option
>> contains/
>> s/Multiple policy table options in a Policy Table option constitute a
>> single policy table./
>> Multiple Policy Table options in an Address Selection option constitute a
>> single policy table./
>> s/zero padded/left aligned, big-endian, and zero padded on the right/
>> Section 3
>> s/in any messages other/in any DHCPv6 messages other/
>> Section 4.1
>> s/his requirement/their own requirements/
>> s/a) It receives distributed policy table, and replaces the existing
>>       policy tables with that.
>>    b) It preserves the default policy table, or manually configured
>>       policy./
>> a) replace the existing active policy table with the DHCPv6 distributed
>> policy table .
>> b) preserve the existing active policy table, whether this be the default
>> policy table, or user configured policy./
>> Section 4.3
>> s/node-global information by its nature/node-global information by their
>> nature/
>> s/One of the reason is/One reason being/
>> s/multiple address selection policy/multiple address selection policies,/
>> s/the effect of both policy/the effect of both policies/
>> s/that absence of the distributed policy/that absence of a distributed
>> policy/
>> a/mean preference/mean a preference/
>> s/deal with multiple received policy/deal with multiple received policies/
>> s/DHCPv6 clients need to convert this label to a representation specified
>> by each implementation/DHCPv6 clients SHOULD convert this label to a
>> representation appropriate for the local implementation/
>> s/So, the number of the options and the total size of the options should
>> be taken care of. Since the number of selection rules could be large, an
>> administrator configuring the policy to be distributed should consider the
>> resulting DHCPv6 message size/
>> Network administrators SHOULD consider local limitations to the maximum
>> DHCPv6 message size that can be reliably transported via their specific
>> local infrastructure to end nodes; and therefore they SHOULD consider the
>> number of options, the total size of the options, and the resulting DHCPv6
>> message size, when defining their Policy Table./
>> Section 6:
>> s/and the affected packets might be blocked at an outgoing ISP because of
>> ingress filtering/and the affected packets might be blocked at an outgoing
>> ISP because of ingress filtering, incur additional network charges, or be
>> misdirected to an attacker's machine/
>> s/should be communicated through a secure/should communicate through a
>> secure/
>> s/This issue will not be degraded regardless of the introduction of this
>> option, or regardless/This issue will not be modified by the introduction of
>> this option, regardless/
>> regards,
>> RayH
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6

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