Forwarded with permission from Eliot.

--- Begin Message ---
Hi Magnus,

A few things to start with...

First, having only a little to do with the doc, on my noisy little house
line, I'm seeing an error rate of about 10^-7.  It's not nothing, but
compared to the DOS attacks I receive, (the other 10^7) it's not what I
worry about ;-)

The first paragraph of Section 3.1 seems rather dated.  Quoting a study
that took place 12 years ago relating to internal processing is probably
stretching it a bit.  I'm not saying it never happens, but it seems to
be worth less text than you give it.

Section 4:

There is a style here to separate senders and receivers, but it's not
really called out.  You could eliminate a good number of the bullets by
simply matching sender and receiver behavior in the same bullets.

1.  Slight improvement on clarity:


An IPv6 sending node MAY use a calculated RFC 2460 checksum for all
datagrams that it sends.


An IPv6 sending node MAY calculate a checksum for all datagrams it
transmits, using the method described in Section 8.1 of [RFC2460].

(4) seems to require per-packet configuration.  That wasn't your intent,
I'm sure.  I think it's well covered by 3, and would suggest simply
remove it.


--- End Message ---
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