> There is no ND at all, that is, no NA/NS/RA/RS etc.

the document you references states that ND is used like for any other IPv6 link.
where do you get the "no ND" from?

as a thought experiment, how would a link without ND function?
how do you do router discovery, and address resolution?

> You can check the document Sheng sent out in previous
> emails.  In WiMAX, DHCPv6 is mandatory while ND is optional.
> In a word, in some scenarios, DHCPv6 is the only way
> to configure IP address. 

can you give me the reference in the document. as far as I can see it states no 
such thing.
what it does mention is "prefix management" on the AR. for that you can use 

> By the way, operators are more familiar to DHCP than ND, 
> and they get used to DHCP for address management.

no-one is saying that you cannot use DHCPV6 address management.
that is already supported with todays specifications.

> You are right that we should avoid duplicate mechanisms
> for the SAME scenario.  However, this is different.

I may be somewhat dense, could someone else try to explain to me what the 
scenario is?

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