
draft-gont-6man-predictable-fragment-id has been around for a while. It
was presented for the first time at the IETF 83 (Paris), and revised
according to the comments received. It was then presented at IETF 84
(Vancouver)... but the working group was never polled for WG adoption.

At IETF 84, some folks argued that it would be great to have a general
document that discussed the issue of "predictable IDs" in general... but
quite a few folks also noted (both on-list and at the mike8 that that
wouldn't relieve us from updating RFC2460 as appropriate.

Meanwhile, we still have vulnerable implementations, and we have
implementers taking the advice in this *individual* I-D, which IMO
should be a wg item to represent the wg view on this topic.

May I ask for the wg to be formally polled about adoption of this
document as a wg item?

I'm not sure why this hasn't happened in the last 10 months or so.


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
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