
At the Orlando meeting this document was discussed, and there was consensus in 
the room to
adopt this as a working group document.

This message starts a one week 6MAN Working Group call on confirming the 
consensus on the mailing list:

Title           : Updates to the IPv6 Multicast Addressing Architecture
Author(s)    : M. Boucadair
                   S . Venaas
Filename    : draft-boucadair-6man-multicast-addr-arch-update-00
Pages        : 5
Date          : 2013-02-16

as a Working Group Document. Additional statements of support or opposition 
should be sent to the mailing list.

This call will end on 28 March 2013.


Bob Hinden & Ole Trøan 
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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