>> Sorry I wasn't clear: what is the benefit of specifying the algorithm, 
>> when simply popping out another PRF will in just about any instance do 
>> the job (unless you are reinitializing the PRF with the same seed)?
> There seems to be a disconnect here:
> We want an algorithm that, roughly speaking, whenever you connect to the same 
> network, gives you the same address. But such address should be different for 
> each network you connect to.
> The question here is: How do you achieve that?
> You might argue that, clearly, the autoconf prefix needs to be part of the 
> seed (I'd personally not expect developers to figure this one out).

This is the kind of attitude that really does not go well with actual 
developers. You are basically saying that you expect developers to be too dumb 
to understand what they are doing, and thus you feel compelled to specify an 
algorithm in its most minute details, even though there are dozens of equally 
good ways to achieve the same result. The net result of such over-specification 
is that developers will discard the spec as arrogant, and implement what they 
fell like implementing. 

-- Christian Huitema

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