
On 15/06/2013 01:25, Ray Hunter wrote:
> I've come across a couple of problematic standardised options already
> defined that don't appear to have individual length limits below the
> overall generic limit of 256 octets per option (derived from the "Opt
> Data Len" field being 1 octet), so limiting the overall header length to
> 256 octets could have direct impact on those.
> PadN (of course)

Right, but that would be clearly pointless or some kind of attack,
so dropping it would be fine.

> The lineID option rfc6788.

"  This document uses a mechanism that tunnels Neighbor Discovery (ND)
   packets inside another IPv6 packet that uses a destination option
   (Line-ID option) to convey line-identification information..."

In other words, only used in a local context where ND makes sense;
not an issue for WAN traffic.

> The Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) Option rfc6553

Only used within a ROLL domain.

I don't think cases like this are troublesome. Extension headers
and options that need to be used over the WAN are the problem cases.

That's why this is a SHOULD NOT and a health warning, not a MUST NOT.

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