
"an application layer lifetime".

1) The problem that this is a solution for.

I've looked through the draft multiple times, and what I see is a generic
abstract and then a very specific dive-in into the details.

What I think is very much missing is - what is the application you see in
mind that would use this ?

How would it look like to the user ?

What is the trigger for the app to request an address ?

2) The cohabitation with other hosts and the network devices

How does the app knows that it *can* request an address ?

As I told: my employer's WiFi gear, based on the RFC you quoted and
parameters therein, has a limit of 8 addresses per IPv6 host. With the
default settings, if you use more than 8 addresses within 5 minutes, the
latest addresses will be simply blocked. There is no mechanism today to
communicate this kind of network parameters back to hosts, and at a minimum
I think it should be added.

I think having such a mechanism could be a very useful contribution to the
protocol - and is in my opinion an integral part of such a proposal that
allows to increase the frequency with which the host generates the

3) The state of the art in this.

This is from my mac:

ast login: Wed Jul 31 14:51:11 on ttys007
ayourtch-mac:~ ayourtch$ ifconfig en0
ether 28:cf:e9:1d:22:f7
inet6 fe80::2acf:e9ff:fe1d:22f7%en0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
inet netmask 0xfffff800 broadcast
inet6 2001:df8::16:2acf:e9ff:fe1d:22f7 prefixlen 64 autoconf
inet6 2001:df8::16:6110:66b2:eca2:cf4c prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary
media: autoselect
status: active

**** disconnect wifi, reconnect wifi ****

ayourtch-mac:~ ayourtch$ ifconfig en0
ether 28:cf:e9:1d:22:f7
inet6 fe80::2acf:e9ff:fe1d:22f7%en0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4
inet netmask 0xfffff800 broadcast
inet6 2001:df8::16:2acf:e9ff:fe1d:22f7 prefixlen 64 autoconf
inet6 2001:df8::16:f9f9:fb2:2767:5caf prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary
media: autoselect
status: active
ayourtch-mac:~ ayourtch$

So, given that I also have to clear cookies, etc. etc. today to get any
semblance of the privacy:

I can as well flip the wifi.

So, it is not as bad :-)

Also, you saw the presentation from Guillaume - it's dramatically changed
in the past 2 years.

So, again - I'd like to see more text about the problem being solved, and
interaction with the user.

thanks! :-)


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Hosnieh Rafiee <i...@rozanak.com> wrote:

> Let’s first start the discussion about the lifetime of an IID. There are
> some sections in RFC 4941 that explains the lifetime of an IID****
> ** **
> The maximum lifetime is 1 week and preferred lifetime is 1 day. The
> address cannot exceed the maximum lifetime value. When it reaches to this
> maximum value, the state of this IID will change to deprecated.****
> ****
> *Section 3.3. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4941#section-3.3 *
> *If a received*
> *       option will extend the lifetime of a public address, the*
> *       lifetimes of temporary addresses should be extended, subject to*
> *       the overall constraint that no temporary addresses should ever*
> *       remain "valid" or "preferred" for a time longer than*
> *       DESYNC_FACTOR), respectively.*
> ** **
> This section explains the case where a node receives a new router
> advertisement with an option to extend the lifetime of its IID. So, if the
> maximum lifetime is not reached, it does it. (might not change IID when
> receives new RA) ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *Section 3.4. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4941#section-3.4 *
> * *
> *As an optional optimization, an implementation MAY remove a*
> *   deprecated temporary address that is not in use by applications or*
> *   upper layers as detailed in Section 6 
> <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4941#section-6>.*
> ** **
> ** **
> * *
> *Section 6 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4941#section-6 *
> * *
> * *
> *   An implementation might want to keep track of which addresses are*
> *   being used by upper layers so as to be able to remove a deprecated*
> *   temporary address from internal data structures once no upper layer*
> *   protocols are using it (but not before).  This is in contrast to*
> *   current approaches where addresses are removed from an interface when*
> *   they become invalid [ADDRCONF 
> <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4941#ref-ADDRCONF>], independent of whether or 
> not upper*
> *   layer protocols are still using them.  For TCP connections, such*
> *   information is available in control blocks.  For UDP-based*
> *   applications, it may be the case that only the applications have*
> *   knowledge about what addresses are actually in use.  Consequently, an*
> *   implementation generally will need to use heuristics in deciding when*
> *   an address is no longer in use.*
> * *
> From the above sections, I presume that the current approach in RFC 4941
> uses the same approach that is defined in RFC 4862. So, it removes the IID
> independent of the upper layer protocols.****
> ** **
> This means that it makes problem for applications like FTP or other
> application even though it continue to keep its connections after the IID
> is deprecated if a there is any. Because it considers it as connection and
> not if the application using it.  ****
> ** **
> The advantage of ra-privacy
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-rafiee-6man-ra-privacy is to have:****
> **·         ***an application layer lifetime.* ****
> There are some variables that is used to control “the lifetime of the
> IID”, “the number of application per IID” and “the number of valid IID”.
> The total number of valid IID cannot exceed the max valid IID.  So, The
> difference of this approach with RFC 4941  is that as long as an
> application uses an IID, this IID will not be removed, although, the
> maximum lifetime is reached. But it cannot be used for assigning any new
> application to it. Also always the assign of application to IID is based on
> the highest lifetime. The draft is also handled the exceptional situation
> where the maximum number of IID and the maximum number of application per
> IID are reached. In this case it increase the local value which keeps the
> maximum number of application for a specific IID. So it can later play with
> this value to handle this exceptional situation and again set the
> application to the IID with highest lifetime. It also set the lifetime of
> all IIDs to zero when it receives new router advertisement.****
> **·         **Introduces an highly randomized algorithm for use in place
> of the algorithm used in RFC 4941 that is preferable because there is no
> stable storage is needed****
> Other updates:****
> **·         **In case the first approach is used, it changes the word
> “might” to “should” or MUST in order to force application use randomization
> RFC.****
> ** **
> If there are any more issues that I need to concern please leave your
> comment here.****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Hosnieh****
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