On Tue, 6 Aug 2013, Mark Andrews wrote:
>       http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-andrews-6man-fragopt-01.txt

This is an interesting draft and I see that it attempts to offer a 
fairly complete solution, covering not just TCP and UDP but ICMP and 
tunneled IPv4 and IPv6.  The idea is to put L4 information missing 
in 2nd and subsequent framgments into IPv6 options, thereby making 
it readily available to stateless filtering devices, load balancers, 
and the like.

One significant concern that jumps out at me is that the option(s) 
defined in this draft are hop-by-hop options.  Quoting from 
draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit Section 2.2:

   However, it is to be expected that high performance routers will 
   either ignore it, or assign packets containing it to a slow 
   processing path. Designers planning to use a Hop-by-Hop option 
   need to be aware of this likely behaviour.

To me it seems highly undesirable to risk putting one's traffic on 
the slow path of a core router, especially when the L4 information 
is probably not needed there, but in middleboxes closer to the edge.  
However, I don't see any reason why these options could not go into 
a destination options header.  The standard order in RFC 2460 
(excluding Mobility and Shim6 headers) would work,

           IPv6 header
           Hop-by-Hop Options header
           Destination Options header (note 1)
           Routing header
           Fragment header
           Authentication header (note 2)
           Encapsulating Security Payload header (note 2)
           Destination Options header (note 3)
           upper-layer header

though "note 1" would need to be changed as follows:

           note 1: for options to be processed by the first destination
                   that appears in the IPv6 Destination Address field
                   plus subsequent destinations listed in the Routing
                   header or by forwarding nodes needing to inspect 
                   options containing layer 4 header information.

There is precedent for refinement to the placement of Destination 
Options headers; see, e.g., RFC 6275 and the Home Address Option.

In answer to to the open questions, I would suggest using a single 
option code and making the protocol explicit.  The strategy of 
leaving the protcol implicit leads to ambigiuities (e.g., between 
TCP, UDP, and UDP-lite).  I would also suggest judicious use of 
padding to align 4 and 8 bytes quantities on natural boundaries.

Mike Heard
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6

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