Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <> wrote:
    > There is a need for a protocol between the 6LBRs/NEAR routers to
    > exchange their state.  This could be achieved by an extension on ND for
    > proxy operations as described in dratf-thubert-6lowpan-backbone-router,
    > a similar extension to a routing protocol running on the backbone or a
    > richer extension to IPv6 NDP allowing some degree of pub/sub as well.

Are the wired part of the 6LBRs always located on the same link?
I'm asking because it seems like this is an important assumption.
I read 6lowpan-backbone-router-03.
Please number the figure in section 3. I'll call it "Figure Plan Network"

I don't like the term backbone, and backbone router.
What I see are three areas of a DAG connected by a heterogeneous layer-2.
The "BBR" are just RPL routers.  I don't know why a new protocol is
necessary for the mesh-over case. 

Perhaps the MESH-under case has some requirements, but I'd rather just
pretend that it's four links (an ethernet link, and three mesh-under links)
connected together to form a single mesh-over network.

It seems to me that you are inventing a protocol to solve the MESH-under
problem, but that we already have such a protocol.

Michael Richardson
-at the cottage-

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