On 07/09/2013 00:28, Fernando Gont wrote:
> On 09/06/2013 08:42 AM, t.petch wrote:
>> They are not saying:-(
>> In
>> draft-leiba-cotton-iana-5226bis-03
>> the nearest they come to saying, as far as I can see,  how a document
>> should reference a registry is
>> "      Providing a URL to precisely identify the registry helps IANA
>>       understand the request.  Such URLs are usually removed from the
>>       RFC prior to final publication."
>> Mmm one of those I-Ds which would benefit from discussion were there a
>> place designated for discussion.
> This puzzles me. If the URL is removed prior to publication, I guess one
> has to navigate IANA's site, or Google for he registry??

Yes. In the ext-transmit draft, we just put the names of the


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