On Mon, 26 Aug 2013, C. M. Heard wrote:
> Upon reflection, I have come to the conclusion that the proposal 
> in draft-andrews-6man-fragopt (or a variant thereof) is a much 
> better solution to the problems with IPv6 fragmentation than the 
> UDP segmentation scheme I proposed.
> The huge advantage of putting a skippable IPv6 option with 
> higher-layer header information into IPv6 fragments is that it is 
> much easier to deploy incrementally than the UDP segmentation 
> scheme.  New end systems could begin inserting the option as soon 
> the format is standardized, and they would still be able to 
> communicate with older end systems that comply with existing IPv6 
> specifictions, at least on paths where fragments are not discarded 
> by firewalls.  That's not true of the UDP segmentation scheme (or 
> of more complex alternatives such as SEAL).

Upon further reflection, prompted by Warren Kumari's comments (see 
http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipv6/current/msg18858.html and 
http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipv6/current/msg18862.html), it 
becomes clear that the very thing that makes this alternative 
(relatively) easy to deploy incrementally can make it unattractive 
to security-conscious operators.

There are two issues that Warren's comments brought to the fore:

1.) One of the reasons why operators block fragments is that if 
    fragments are allowed into one's network, it is relatively easy 
    for an attacker to make a DOS attack on end systems by sending 
    an incomplete series of fragments.  This ties up resources until 
    the end system's reassembly timer expires.

2.) The proposed skippable upper-layer header option is easily 
    forged.  It is therefore still relatively easy to mount the 
    above attack on end systems that do not recognize the option, 
    even if firewalls have been updated to require that option in 
    all fragments.

The problem is that end systems that don't recognize the skippable 
option will ignore it and process fragments in the IP layer as they 
do now.  This is good for incremental deployment, but it also leaves 
such systems just as vulnerable as they were without the option.

In order to avoid that problem, it seems that we need to ensure:

(a) that end systems that don't understand the option drop any 
packets that contain it, and

(b) that end systems that do accept the option use it to filter out 
packets that are unwanted or invalid.

Condition (a) can be achieved by choosing the two high-order bits of 
the option code to specify that the packet must be discarded if the 
option is unrecognized (and whether or not to send an ICMP Parameter 
Problem message).  Condition (b) can be achieved by requiring that 
packets containing this option be kicked up to the transport layer 
for processing prior to reassembly, in lieu of doing reassembly at 
the IPv6 layer prior to transport layer processing.  In particular, 
end-system implementations would need to discard fragments directed 
at a port with no listener.  Other validity checks could be made, 
such as discarding fragments that specify a length in excess of the 
port's receive buffer or that have inconsistent upper-layer headers.  
This does not block all conceivable attacks, but it reduces the 
severity to something equivalent to what an attacker could do by 
forging TCP segments -- and that is a risk that end systems deal 
with today.

What I have described in the paragraph above is different ONLY IN 
DETAIL from the other alternatives we've been discussing in this 
thread, namely modifying UDP so that it supports segmentation of 
long payloads or creating a new UDP-like protocol that supports 
segmentation of long payloads.  The information carried in the IPv6 
and transport layer headers would be equivalent, and the processing 
would be quite similar.  Obviously the header formats would differ; 
in addition, so would the kind of ICMP message, if any, that would 
be returned by systems that don't recognize the new option/protocol 
(Parameter Problem/Unrecognized Option or silent drop for the 
proposed option, Parameter Problem/Unrecognized Next Header for a 
new protocol, or silent drop for a modified UDP as suggested in 

If the above reasoning is correct, then my inclination is to deal 
with the issue explicitly in the transport layers that need to deal 
with it (which would put the problem in the domain of TSVWG).  That 
seems cleaner than intertwining the IP and transport layers (though 
in practice these layers are often tightly coupled anyway).

If there are any operations people listening in, it would be helpful 
to get some feedback on whether this reasoning is correct.

It would also be helpful to get some indication on whether a 
modified UDP or a new UDP-like protocol that supports transport 
layer payload segmentation solves enough problems to be worth the 
effort to specify, implement, and deploy.  At the moment, the only 
compelling use case seems to be DNS (and more particularly DNSSEC).  
There is already a work-around in that case, namely TCP, which was 
made mandatory in 2010 by RFC 5966 to work around firewalls that 
"routinely block fragmented IP packets" and "network devices [that] 
deliberately refuse to handle DNS packets containing EDNS0 options." 
Clearly, making a new or modified UDP-like transport protocol is not 
sufficient; applications that want to use it would need a means to 
signal that they support it and/or a means to query whether their 
peers support it.  In the case of DNS that would presumably mean 
something like a new EDNS0 option.  The question arises whether the 
effort involved in making these changes would be worthwhile, given 
that TCP is already available as a workaround.

Thanks and regards,

Mike Heard
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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