On 11.02.2014 03:08, shaggy surfer wrote:
> Hi guys,
> It appears if you have a CNAME pointer to your actual vhost name in
> apache, that the imgfetch and other cmd options will not be able to
> handle it.  I tested this and when using an "A" record directly to ip
> for the fqdn of the vhost name it works and is able to get the files. 
> Also if you use the ip address of the machine and get for instance the
> default or index html file it will work.
> To repeat, just create a CNAME, here is my example setup:
> hostname is server01.example.com
> server01.example.com points to
> cname is created for ipxe.example.com pointing to server01.example.com
> ipxe>  imgfetch http://ipxe.example.com/filenameindocumentroot
> This will fail.  This was after downloading the
> http://boot.ipxe.org/ipxe.pxe and following the example here: 
> https://gist.github.com/robinsmidsrod/2234639
> Thanks to robinsmidsrod for the help in the irc channel.  He helped me
> to narrow down where the problem might be.

The problem should already be resolved and pushed to mainline. Compile
the latest master branch and you should no longer have problems with CNAMEs.

-- Robin

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