I'm finding it difficult to troubleshoot failing ipxe scripts.
Even with DEBUG=script on I'm getting a message that states image too large
to load
and it ipxe jumps back to local boot without stopping a the prompts or
the error paths

Here is the script:

menu Vod Server Install [installing to IP: ${netX/ip}]
item --gap
item --key 0 5.0.8 Vod Server 5.[0].8
item --key 2 5.2.7 Vod Server 5.[2].7
item  5.2.8 Vod Server 5.2.8
item --key 3 5.3.2 Vod Server 5.[3].2
item --key 4 5.4.0 Vod Server 5.[4].0
item  5.4.1 Vod Server 5.4.1
item  5.4.2 Vod Server 5.4.2
item --key 5 5.5.0 Vod Server 5.[5].0
item 6 Vod Server 5.5.0 on RHEL[6]
choose vodserver || goto vod_error
iseq vodserver 6 && set bu
goto vodload

echo selection error in vod menu file
prompt --key 0x02 --timeout 10000 Press Ctrl-B for the iPXE command line...
&& shell ||
chain boot.ipxe ||
echo Chaining back to main menu failed. Reverting to local boot.
exit 0

echo Loading VodServer ${vodserver} ....
initrd ${base_url}${vodserver}/isolinux/initrd.img || goto vodload_error
kernel ${base_url}${vodserver}/isolinux/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=32705 noipv6
dns= ks=${base_url}bko/ks/nvs-${vodserver}.cfg nompath
syslog= ksdevice=bootif BOOTIF=01-${netX/mac} || goto

echo An error occurred during the vodload section
prompt --key 0x02 --timeout 10000 Press Ctrl-B for the iPXE command line...
&& shell ||
echo Reverting to local boot.
exit 0
If I remove the iseq line or comment it out things work.

I'm using git master to build undionly.kpxe which is getting chain loaded
from the pxerom.

I'm needing to switch the server url to a different server if a the
selection is made but
all of my old selection loads also break.

Any clues provided would be great.
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