On 05.06.2014 18:00, Michael Brown wrote:
> On 05/06/14 16:52, Kristian Van Der Vliet wrote:
>> Nowhere; which is what I want! I'd like to use iPXE to provide certain
>> information (E.g. UUID, Serials etc.) back to a central server so I can
>> track and later find them for system provisioning, so all I need to do
>> is POST the data that iPXE can tell me to a REST endpoint and then have
>> iPXE continue as though nothing at all has happened. I can work around
>> it with
>> chain http://example.com...##params || goto next
>> :next
> Or
>   imgfetch http://server/....##params
>   imgfree
> which might be cleaner.

My personal preference is just to use chain http://something/... and let
it return a script that is just:


which should allow it to continue without logging any errors.

-- Robin
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