Here are a few fragments of an ansible playbook file (simple.yml) which does part of what you want to do:

If the command lines are puzzling, you can get more information from ansible-doc as in:

$ ansible-doc shell     or    $ ansible-doc register    or  $ ansible-doc debug

Ansible commands generally are written by different developers and they have individualistic naming conventions.

However, Ansible is a decent tool among a collection of fair to middling configuration tools.

# ===== http.server

  - name: test running of http.server
    command: pgrep -f http.server
    ignore_errors: yes
    changed_when: false
    register: http_pid # used to restart server if necessary

  - name: start simple http server in background w port 8000
    become: no   # If you do port 80, then need to run as root
#   shell: cd {{ des_path }}; nohup python -m http.server 80 \
    shell: cd {{ des_path }}; nohup python -m http.server \
             --bind  &
#            --directory /home/user1/Downloads/Atomic
#     The cd in front of nohup python sets the home directory
    when: http_pid.stdout == ""

  - name: get pid of http.server
    shell: pgrep -f http.server
    ignore_errors: yes
    changed_when: false
    register: http_pid

  - debug:
      var: http_pid.stdout

On 6/12/20 9:48 AM, IT1 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR wrote:

List members,

I have done a number of web searches and am interested in gaining some insights into what choices I have in implementing iPXE to boot ISO files directly (I have read several postings that were 6 to 10 years old in this area but no code was really given just oh I did this, I did that). I had asked in an IRC channel a while ago (they are so useless, people ignoring your question and trying to find a different question you should be asking because that is what they can answer), and got a bunch of discouraging replies. A huge discussion ensued having nothing to do with what I had originally asked, and I abandoned obtaining any help there.

I'd like to setup a server (as a virtual machine for portability, but would be fine starting as a physical server to decrease complication) with a singular purpose of providing iPXE/PXE booting services on my home lab network. I'd like to be able to have a directory or that into which I can plop an ISO file and then have some sort of menu generated on the fly that notices all ISOs in that directory and offers a menu that is presented whence someone boots iPXE/PXE via the network. I'd also like to have a sub-menu of permanent ISO choices with descriptions that can be selected from as well. It is my understanding that iPXE/PXE can do this quite easily, but then I was given a ton of reasons on the IRC why it would not work so I gave up in frustration trying to sort "IRC wheat from IRC chaff".

My thought is to create a private network in this environment I propose, and for the server to have TFTP, DNS, and whatever else is requisite installed there within. I think I'd like to use Debian to do it, but am open to whatever distribution people think will make this most easiest.

Thanks in advance and I hope everyone stays safe from looting thugs and healthy from the pandemic.

Very Respectfully,


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