On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 09:43:11PM +0200, Robert Socha wrote:
> Hi,
> This is more user-level question. But for last few days I'm unable to post
> question via forum.ipxe.org.
> I wonder if this supported option (passing parameters from PXELinux to iPXE)
> I have PXELinux boot:
> LABEL startipxe
>   KERNEL ipxe.lkrn
>   APPEND set MYVAR some-data
> And from chain loaded ipxe with embed script:
> #!ipxe
> echo MYVAR: ${MYVAR}
> ... other stuff


> I was unable to make this work (PXElinux from Ubuntu 20.04 syslinux
> package).
> I solved this for myself by some small hack in ipxe code.
> But I wonder if this should works out of the box?
> Best regards
> -- 
> Robert Socha

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