
I'd also suggest a new toroid core. An arc through the core can change 
its magnetic qualities drastically.
I'd also agree with Teflon-insulated hook-up wire, but plastic 
insulations is much easier to work with.

I once used a scheme consisting of three protective NE-31 neon bulbs 
for a ground-isolation toroid: one across the primary, one across the 
secondary, and one between the isolated grounds. Only about 15 minutes 
after completion of the scheme, a
quick NC thunderstorm blew through Grifton. After reconnecting the 
receiver, I noted the signals had gone "psfsssk." A quick
check showed one bulb shattered, and the other two had one electrode 
each melted!

Keep trying: you'll get it.

73 de Charlie

Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
   Grifton, North Carolina

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Harms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [IRCA] resistance across matching transformer

> The past couple of days, I noticed that signals on my BUG have
> dropped strength.  In the process of diagnosing the problem, I
> noticed that there is about 12 Kohm resistance across the
> transformer.  The windings on the antenna side and the lead-in are
> supposed to be isolated.  Is this normal?  I am guessing that 
> perhaps
> there is a short somewhere and that I need to re-wind/replace the
> transformer I wound.  Any ideas anyone? I would like get others'
> opinions before I do surgery on the transformer.
> Bill Harms
> Elkridge, Maryland

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