This was posted about 35 days ago...I just checked in there today for the first 
time in many moons.  I do not recall who posted it (because my newsreader 
chucks headers once the message has been read) so I can't give credit.  The 
message follows...
  ---quoted message---
  Dr. Bill has graciously asked  the KGO engineering department to be
available to answer your technical questions about KGO and radio in
general. We'll probably have some of the guys down at the transmitter
so that they can answer questions, talk engineering smack and maybe
even give a virtual tour of the facility. You can hear the noises and
look at pictures on the web. Visit It's almost
as good as being there but you don't have to pay the Dumbarton bridge
toll (what a DEAL!).
  We haven't set a date yet, because Jay has some interesting geeky
guests that he's trying to line up, and I have a few myself. It should
be in the next 4-6 weeks though and probably will be in the last hour
of the show (so we scare away the fewest listeners).
  Jay suggested possibly dropping carrier so that those of you with good
radios (we like the C. Crane radio and GE superadio a lot) can hear
what's "underneath us". The engineer at WGY (810 khz in New York) is a
friend of mine. We may be able to talk to him about the histrory of the
stations.  I don't know, but your ideas are very welcome!
  We also have found some amazing old radio recordings and even have a CD
sent to us from Sweeden of KGO, as received in Sweeden. It's not bad!
  One thing that I want to cover (because I get lots of phone calls and
letters about it) is how to improve your AM reception.
  I think that it'll be fun. Let us hear from you!
  ---end quoted message---
  I do not believe this has occurred, so it may be coming up soon unless it has 
been scrubbed.  It may pay for west coasters to be checking 810 .  Dr. Bill 
(Wattenburg) is on from 2200 (Sunday)-0100 (Monday), and it sounds like this 
may occur on a Sunday night.  Wish I knew more, but I'll pass on this bit of 
info as it is.
  Mike Hawkins
  Campbell CA

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