> Have it here in south N.H.  s-9 with some fading... 2155 ELT
> Wasnt a new one coming on in Canada ??
> Maybe we will hear from up north.
> 73
> Tom Jones
> Mason N.H.

> > I had the same tone here in northern South Carolina between 5PM and
> > 6PM ,
> > with some QSB, but dominant on the freqency........Isuzu SUV radio
> > in the
> > Walmart parking lot while the XYL shopped.   Chris Johnson    K4CME

Surprised if this is Canada. Easily being heard
in Tampa at 2305 est ranging from s-3 to s-8. I could
definitely BFO both USB and LSB, so it's not a het.

Only a vague guess at a DF but I'd say either 020 or
200, maybe 030 - 210,  according to dx390.
(If the foundation has moved, then these may be less
valid :-)

Only using toy RS portables (390, 399) so am
surprised how well this coming in, on peaks anyway,
on these typically semi-deaf portables..

- Bob                 2316


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