Given the three frequencies in the application, this
has to be more than just a case of coincidence,
wouldn't you say?

Sheldon Harvey

--- Glenn Hauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Mr Miller: Would you please identify the source
> (location, 
> licensee and any other available info) of the
> continuous tone tests 
> which were running on 1610 kHz last week, and then
> on 1020 kHz 
> Saturday? Numerous listeners have heard them, and
> they seem to come 
> from somewhere along the eastern seaboard, perhaps
> in the Washington 
> DC vicinity. In the case of 1020 they were
> interfering with KDKA 
> Pittsburgh and other stations. Thanks, (Glenn
> Hauser, Enid OK, World 
> of Radio, to Norm Miller, FCC, via DXLD)
> This matter is being handled by the Enforcement
> Bureau, so I must 
> respectfully decline to comment on an ongoing
> investigation (Charles 
> N. "Norm" Miller, Electronics Engineer, Media
> Bureau, Audio Division 
> Federal Communications Commission, Dec 4, DX
> Look at 
> This is the application BAE filed in July, 2005, for
> operation at Ft. 
> A. P. Hill for 10 kW on 590, 1020, and 1600. It was
> denied/dismissed 
> shortly thereafter, on 10/19/2005. BAE then
> reapplied for an 
> authorization thru the Media Bureau, not Office of
> Engineering & 
> Technology (OET), on 10/19/2005, for various
> powers/frequencies: 
> 760/200 W, 1180/2 kW, 1410/500 W, 1630/10 kW. This
> was granted on Oct. 
> 24, 2005 and expired on April 24, 2006. But has it
> been renewed?
> On 1610 all we find as previously reported is LBA's
> WC2XKX, also on 
> 530 and 1040 for 400 watts within 24 km of Pactolus,
> NC. 
> So questions remain. Some excerpts from the OET page
> referenced above:
> ``Please explain in the area below why an STA is
> necessary: 
> Required to complete full scale transmitter and
> associated equipment 
> testing.`` 
> ``Please explain the purpose of operation: Company
> is a govt 
> contractor which is developing mobile broadcasting
> units which can be 
> deployed worldwide in order to satisfy customers
> immediate military 
> requirements. Broadcast operation encompasses use of
> AM band 
> frequencies which are necessary to simulate overseas
> operating 
> parameters.``
> ``Location: Bowling Green, Virginia, North 38 7 59,
> West 77 19 49, 
> Mobile: n/a Radius: 150.00``
> Bowling Green is the town next to Ft. A. P. Hill, S
> of Washington DC.
> BAE Systems appears to be a major defense
> contractor; look at all the 
> fields they are involved in at
> They have several offices in the Washington DC area.
> But we don`t know 
> for sure they are behind the present tests (Glenn
> Hauser, OK, DX 
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  Sheldon Harvey 
Radio H.F. - Canada's specialist in radio communications

  President-Canadian International DX Club 
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