Hey All, Thanks for the views Les and Steve, they are
very interesting but I hope wrong. I don`t see a lot
of the talk shows going to fm as that will limit their
reach too much. The growth of sat. radio as we all
know has been somewhat less then expected. I think
that people are right now tired of mindless chatter by
mindless djs. This will just farther erode fm into
something else.(what I don`t know) Although most
people now don`t really know or care where their
"radio station" truly comes from.(on fm) Am has been
losing market share for many years. But as one RCA
eng. once sead "the static,like the poor, will be with
us always!" I hope that is true(the static, not the
poor) and for the foreseeable future it will be. I
don`t think that dx is going away anytime soon.(at
least I hope not) I also think that those that listion
to the more "out there" shows like coast to coast and
the like will keep them on am. I, to, also see more ip
based "broadcasting" and file sharing of all kinds. I
don`t want to peek too far into the future at this
point. But "the times, they are a change`n" as the
song sead. I left the broadcast industry years ago.(my
dad is still in it) I think(and hope) that am and fm
will be around for some time to come. I don`t like to
"predict" the future too much as you know what
happened with fm don`t you? They sead it wasn`t going
to happen and RCA tryed to make this so, but in the
end it came to pass in some form or fashin anyhow.
Good dx(and holidays) to all, de kd7cjo in dn 51   

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