Thanks for the tales from the bike world. I rode it three miles the first day I got it. It was roughly a mile-and-a-half from the bike store home and then I rode another mile-and-a-half in the driveway with my Daughter Sara. I couldn't ride yesterday due to class and it's raining here today. I will probably put in some time on it Saturday and Sunday. I plan to ride for a couple of miles each day after work and perhaps more on the weekend. We'll see how it all plays out in the end, which I hope will get smaller due to all of the riding!

Bert New
Watkinsville, Georgia
Proudly Serving You Since 1964!

    I will see what I can do about radio and riding.

From: saulamdx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America<> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America<>
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Less Time to DX...
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 20:34:52 -0800 (PST)

I like to DX mobile, and at my Burnt River ON site
there's a hill nearby which does well on FM and TV to
the east. But it's not accessible by car. Great
blockage to all other directions! I usually drive,
park nearby, and walk in - it's a few hundred feet in
from the road. But I have biked there on occasion, DX
gear in a knapsack. Who says DX has to be a sedentary
activity!!! - saul

--- "Ira Elbert New, III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>      Thanks! Do you happen to have a couple of spare
> ones around? I didn't
> think of listening while I ride. I haven't been on a
> bike in some time so I
> might want to get used to it before I branch out.
> However, I might be able
> to at a later time. Maybe I could carry a radio and
> listen after I ride for
> some distance before the ride home.
>      I just need to lose the bulge I have. I've been
> losing the Battle of
> the Bulge for some time now and I needed to do
> something. I'm 42, about
> 5'10" and near 200 pounds. I want to lose some of
> the 200 that has made it
> around the waist. We'll see..
> Bert New
> Watkinsville, Georgia
> Proudly Serving You Since 1964!
> >      I wanted a bike for Christmas so my Wife and
> I went and bought one
> >today. It was my present from her. After what she
> paid for it, I think I
> had
> >better ride the thing every day! Really, I do want
> to get back into shape
> >and at 42, I'm not getting any younger and any
> healthier. Y'all wish me
> luck
> Y'know, a Palstar R30CC would fit just fine on the
> handlebars.  Add a whip
> antenna off a back carrier and a set of headphones,
> and there ya go!
> If you get ignition noise while pedaling, then
> you're working it too hard.
> ;)
> Craig Healy
> Providence, RI
> Get FREE Web site and company branded e-mail from
> Microsoft Office Live
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