--- Brett Saylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The discussion of conversion of tapes to digital leads me to ask how 
> people name and store their digital audio files... 

I've only been digitally recording ID's for about 3 1/2 years. My files
are named with call and frequency only - any subsequent recorded ID's
from the same station either overwrite the old one, or a suffixed with
an a, b, or c.

My recorded files from the taped days cover 1969-1981 from Northern NJ.
I have 6 reel-to-reel tapes, recorded 2-track. These have been
converted into 12 large mp3 files yet to be separated, but my intent is
to name them the same way whenever I get to them.

In both cases, my Excel Log keeps track of the date and time of the
recording, but I must admit to having become somewhat careless about
that the past few years with stations which are relogs but first
recordings -- to the point that I can't go back and re-capture as many
as 100 dates/times.

One of the reasons for both that carelessness and also my failure to
separate out the individual ID's from the old stuff has been
re-vitalized by this discussion, namely what's the point of all of that
given that my recorded ID's aren't really worth anything to anyone else
except possibly for someone who wants to try to pass some off as their
own somewhere down the road should they get hold of them.

Paper veries are usually specific as to date, time, DX'er and location
and thus aren't really subject to that degree of misuse, but I haven't
regularly pursued those since the 1970's due to the expenditures of
time and cash required, since after all those come into the category of
"ephemera" as well.

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20id
FM: Yamaha T-80 & Onkyo T-450RDS w/ APS9B @15'
AM: Hammarlund HQ-150 & 4' FET air core loop

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