> That sounds... awful underneath.
> Great recording BTW.
> wow.

Yes, it does - but again, that's with a Sony SRF-A100, one of a very, 
very tiny number of AM stereo radios that use an envelope detector that 
can't deal with the quadrature modulation that AM IBOC uses.

This is NOT in any way typical of what an average listener tuned to KGO 
would be hearing. If there are a half-dozen listeners in KGO's local 
area using the A100 or a similar radio, more than 20 years after they 
were last sold, I'd be stunned.

Perhaps when my local 50 kW IBOC blaster, WHAM, turns the HD back on in 
the morning, I'll pull out a sampling of more typical radios (along with 
my Carver TX11b, which has a similar envelope detector to the Sony) and 
record what it sounds like.

Again, none of this should be construed as an endorsement of AM IBOC, 
about which I'm still skeptical - just a plea that if DXers want our 
concerns about the technology to be taken seriously in the larger 
engineering community, we have to be realistic about our concerns. This 
recording, while an accurate reflection of what the A100 sounds like 
when tuned to an IBOC signal, is NOT representative of what the average 
analog listener will hear. If it were, there's not an AM station 
anywhere that would be running the system in the first place.

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