At 03:52 PM 2/22/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>"I gather you'all know Poro isn't on 1143 or 1147.5kHz any more?  It's
>now on 1170 and been there for a couple of years or more.
>Besides that, assuming that the path via which you might hear stuff
>from Poro is over the Pacific Ocean, then one reason you're not
>hearing it is that it beams either due west [262 degrees] or nearly
>due north [332 degrees].  Neither of those is going to shove much in
>your direction and I'm not convinced that the 332 degree beam
>actually 'works' anyway.
>Bill Whitacre


Yep. I followed Poro's wandering the past few years. Everything goes some-
where that I cannot receive. Too much distance between here and there,

I DID briefly hear Wulumqi-1525 from Indianapolis in 1976. Also, some of
its Soviet jammers.

Wonder if you met Charles Crismon, Foreign Service, who retired from
Greenville ca. 1991.

I visited Poro while in the Navy, in 1971. It was he who showed me the
operations and the old Continental 105E.

Imagine my surprise when I reported aboard Greenville in 1986. Bruce
Hunter (still at Site C, in those days) sent me to Site B.

I walked into the Plant Supervisor's office, and saw.....Charles Crismon!

He, like me, developed cancer in his throat. Last time I saw him, he
couldn't speak (like me).



Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
Greenville, North Carolina 
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