HD's efficient use of low power to jam vast areas was well noted before its 

HD Bund defends the indefensible with didactic soporific dissemblings.

They should quit now. Here's why:

Citizens get it. They're not fooled diversionary arguments such as 'only 
DX'ers are upset...'

Listeners can't hear what they want. They're offered high-priced junk HD 
radios to tune what they don't want, albeit in 'seedy quality' audio.  This 
please them? 

Answer: The question is irrelevant. They're not displeased, they're turned 

 Why can't Borekast Skindustry's brightest dimbulbs understand, citizens can, 
in fact, tell Shinola (r) from its lesser quality imitators?

  Why do BigKorpseorate KronyKasters believe that citizens, upon stepping in 
something which smells unpleasant, would willfully track it into their homes 
and cars, and pay money for it to boot?

  How did these shonks come so far with so little?

                                                                Dr. Zecchino

PV Zecchino, T.D.
Manadogshale Key, FL

 See what's free at http://www.aol.com.
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