Bob & fellow IRCAnauts - 
  Brooklyn Bridge? Yeah, I know 'em. Seen 'em around. Bigga hit, winter '69, 
"Worst That Could Happen". Vocalist Johhny Maestro, nee Mastrangelo, had prior 
hits such as "The Angels Listened In". IIRC, summer '91, he sang on The 
Capri's smash "Morse Code of Love", fantastic retro, most hip, danceable 
WCAU 1210 played it regularly, well heard in Pt. Judith onna upstairs office 
R-388, while doing paperwork. Raised the blood up.
Only late-afternoon Atlantic Body Surfing at Seaside Beach Club would lower 
the blood.
 Have all on 45's, courtesy Nilas Golden Oldies, Philadelphia. Blood up now, 
must spin them, sound better than CDs, yes they do.
 Another Brooklyn Bridge? Oh...yeah, grandpa and these three guys, you know, 
those guys what lived around the corner, there? Yeah, them. They didn't buy 
the bridge, they built it. 
But didn't they swap it off for some 5882s? Or was it 6V6s? Somethin'. Dunno.
So, Bob, you signed up for HD, too? Excellent. The guys who come by our place 
said HD subscription was free, all I had to pay was, like, a hundred a month, 
'Air Shipping'.

You know what that is? I don't. I trust them, though. Plus, they don't 
interefere, also. Too.
Yeah, free subscription, hundred/month for Air  Shipping. Seems reasonable, 
Paul Vincent Zecchino
Managullible Key, FL
"Hello, is this Sandy Allesandro, Rhode Island Attorney General office? Yeah, 
like, I bought this new car from dis reputable dealer, see? 'N he shows me 
the customize glove compartment anna notches onna steering wheel? And he sez 
brand new, you know?

So, I go over Burger Queen to, hang wit' the guys? An' this guy come up to me 
an' sez, "hey, hey, hey, you got my old car what was stolen'. An' he shows me 
the customize glove compartment and notches onna steering wheel. So, now, 
like, do I gotta him back his car?"
        - from memory, classic radio spot promoting Vehicle Titles, autumn, 
'71, PSA ran
          regularly, WPRO AM 630. Mr. Allesandro was RI AG's title man. 
                                                                       - Dr. 

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