I think there is a fellow in Colorado with very thin skin. 
Kevin, weren't slanderous remarks like this, well after we were all told
by the moderators to cease and desist, part of what got you banned from
the NRC reflector? Did you not learn from that experience? I stepped
back and shut up when the list moderators said so. And my reward for
honoring that request is to be publicly slandered by you. What did I do
to deserve this remark?

Folks this whole thing turned into something very ugly that it was
absolutely not intended to be. This did not start out as a debate over
the good and bad of the evil technology. Several boisterous anti-HD
people on this reflector turned it into that. This all started as a very
simple suggestion that we unify the name of the evil technology in order
to avoid confusion. That is all. And look at what nonsense it has turned
into. If anyone is thin skinned it is the people here who jumped on this
and turned it into something that it wasn't. I'm very sorry that I even
brought it up.

Patrick Griffith, Westminster CO
Broadcast Technician
NRC Broadcasting - Denver

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